CNC applications -
- STOBER, NUM and OSAI systems
- Codesys IEC 61131-3 PLC programming
- 5 axis TCP setup and adjustment
- Servo fine tune for better profile accuracy
- Digital / analog control of conventional Industrial automation
Motion -
- Analogue or Ethercat based inverters or servo drives
- Stepper and open loop positioning
- HMI interfaces providing easy access to process settings
Embedded system firmware development -
- Microchip MPLAB 8 and MPLAB X
- STM32CubeIDE
- Multitech IoT devices
Programming -
- PLC programming services CoDeSys, IEC61131-3
- PLC interfacing to remote systems OPC, UDP and SOAP protocols
- Embedded firmware development using C and Python
- MBED, MPLAB IDE and STM32CubeIDE development